International Towers | What's on

Unlock the Potential of Your Team with Silent Voices

Written by International Towers | May 7, 2024 3:47:12 AM

Are you ready to confront the silent epidemic stifling your team's potential? 

Silent Voices" is not just a conversation; it's a bold call for leaders courageous enough to break the chains of conformity and unleash the authentic power of dialogue in the workplace.

Guided by Anneli Blundell, affectionately known as the People Whisperer, we delve into the heart of workplace silence.
  • Why do brilliant ideas perish in the shadows?
  • How are innovative voices silenced by leaders meant to amplify them?
Brace yourself to confront the stark realities of leadership communication and discover:

  • The profound impact of unacknowledged conversational barriers.
  • The clear distinction between mere chatter and truly empowering dialogue.
  • Actionable strategies to dismantle the walls silencing voices and construct bridges to genuine expression.
"Silent Voices" is more than a discussion; it's a mandate for leaders committed to cultivating a culture where every team member not only speaks but thrives. Are you bold enough to face the challenge and revolutionise your leadership approach?
Be the catalyst for change. Embrace the challenge and unleash the full potential of your team.
When: 12pm Thursday 30 May
Where: Reserve Your Spot Now.  Join the conversation online.  

Anneli Blundell

Anneli Blundell stands apart. She engages strangers for fun, relishes haggling for a bargain, and fearlessly points out food stuck in people's teeth. But then again, she's obsessed with conversation and connection, so it's no surprise, right?
For nearly 20 years, she's been captivated by who speaks up at work, who remains silent, and why. And more importantly, does the conversational culture at work make people feel seen, heard, and valued when they do speak up?
As an expert in Communication Dynamics, Anneli empowers people to be heard at work. Whether it's addressing the Board or speaking with colleagues, navigating meetings or discussing challenging topics, her focus is on building conversational cultures where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued at work.
Affectionately known as the People Whisperer, Anneli is an award-winning professional sought after for her keynotes, workshops, and executive coaching that humanise the leadership landscape and foster connection and conversation at work.
(Warning: Side effects include happier humans who think better, work smarter, and achieve superior results, together.)
Oh, and she's a master parallel parker, an avid hiker, and a salsa dancing enthusiast who savours any meal prepared by someone else! ☺

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