More Efficiency

International Towers delivers more efficiency per square metre than anywhere else.
Every organisation strives for greater efficiency; it’s often the primary means of improving productivity and profitability. Yet it can also be an abstract concept difficult to define. What does efficiency mean? And how can a workplace sustainably contribute to its betterment.
In simple terms, efficiency is about maximising productivity for the least effort or expense. For companies, this means improving how things get done, and creating an environment that supports easier interaction and collaboration between people and teams. It means providing the opportunity for better worker productivity by enhancing wellbeing and performance. For individuals, it’s all about getting more out of every day. It’s about seamlessly attending to personal and professional demands; having access to almost everything you need each day within a short easy walk. It’s about working smarter, not harder.
International Towers represents the ultimate in workplace efficiency. Our many thriving tenant partners benefit from a diverse mix of supporting building and precinct attributes that enable them to drive the highest levels of organisational efficiency.
The highly sophisticated architecture of the Towers has enabled some of the most efficient commercial floor plates in the city, meaning companies can do more with less. From whole floors to a range of bespoke, fully fitted-out small spaces, every workspace within International Towers benefits from egalitarian access to views and natural light, high-speed internet access, in-building 5G coverage, intelligent lifts and our multi-award winning Partners Portal app – an online tool that enables mobile security and lift access, and provides facility managers with a comprehensive range of tools, data and metrics to maximise operational efficiency and minimise waste.
On the ground plane, workers benefit from the enormous diversity and convenience of the Barangaroo precinct. With seamless access to transport and premium end of trip facilities, the precinct is host to a curated mix of cafés, eateries and restaurants, as well as health, medical, beauty and personal care services.
With so much available within minutes from your workplace, it’s easy to see why International Towers offers more efficiency per square metre than anywhere else.
If you want more from your workspace than space alone, speak to us about immediate opportunities to join Australia’s most progressive (and efficient) workplace community at Leasing Opportunities.