Managing the impact of COVID-19

A Message from International Towers
We’re certainly living through challenging times. As you may have already experienced, COVID-19, or coronavirus as it is commonly called, is having a significant impact on how we live and work each day. Many of our International Towers tenant partners have proactively introduced procedures to support the wellbeing of their teams, including asking people to work remotely and limiting non-essential meetings and travel. The situation is quite dynamic, and as our governments and health authorities mandate new measures to limit the spread of the virus, there will no doubt be further changes to the way organisations and individuals operate.
Please be assured that International Towers is doing everything possible to support our community and keep our environment safe and healthy. Wellness has always been a core value of our unique workplace, and our focus on ensuring the wellbeing of our people and places has never been stronger.
While the rapid spread of the virus is alarming, there is consolation in the fact that the number of people who are recovering from infection is steadily rising, and the vast majority of healthy individuals who test positive to COVID-19 will experience mild flu-like symptoms which may only last a few days. Needless to say, there are many in our community who are vulnerable to serious health implications, and as a result, we are all advised to maintain the highest standards of personal hygiene and limit our social interactions to protect the safety others. Simple, practical measures such as frequent hand washing, covering our mouths and noses when coughing or sneezing, eliminating physical contact when greeting others, and maintaining a clean environment at home or work can play a significant role in keeping in limiting the spread of illness and the risk of infection.
One of the key challenges we all face is filtering and absorbing the enormous and continuous stream of information about the impacts of COVID-19 in our local communities to across the globe. In fact, stress-related anxiety about the virus is fast becoming a concern for health professionals. While it is important to remain informed, a diversity of opinions and instructions can easily become confusing and overwhelming. Both State and Federal governments are issuing regular updates and advice, and we encourage all in our community to refer to official sources for information and directives relating to COVID-19. We have shared some useful links below for your convenience.
Australian Government Department of Health