OH! Boo Chocolates

Monday : 10.00 am - 4.30 pm
Tuesday - Thursday : 9.00 am - 5.30 pm
Friday : 10.00 am - 4.30 pm
Saturday : 11.00 am - 5.00 pm
Shop 1, 33 Barangaroo Avenue, Barangaroo, Sydney 2000
ohboo.com.auOH! Boo Chocolates’ philosophy is to make and serve chocolate fresh each day, treating it the same way as any other natural food.
Dipped, Coated, Dusted and Rolled
Oh!Boo reflects Sydney’s passion for creating world class artisanal chocolates. Maître chocolatier Fanny Chan has combined her Philippine heritage with the finesse and sophistication of the French way of making chocolates.
Trained in Belgium, she has mastered a process called ‘layering’ – where complementary and sometimes contrasting flavours are layered with the chocolate to form a sensational taste experience.
Not All Chocolates Are Created Equal
Oh!Boo Chocolates source only natural and Australian ingredients (if available). We do not add nasty artificial flavours or cocoa butter substitute (CBS) to our premium chocolates.
Created in limited quantities, the perfect chocolate taste is a journey of flavour, texture and taste ready to discover one bite after the next.
Where It All Begin
For 8 years we were making and selling chocolates from our dainty boutique shop in Darlinghurst (Boon Chocolates). Our suspicions were proven to be right – the world does need premium chocolate! So it was time to move things onto something even more gorgeous.
In 2016 we created Oh!Boo Chocolates, a wonderful world for all you savvy cacao connoisseurs out there. Our new shop, nestled in Sydney’s iconic harbour city of Barangaroo, is where we call home now and Miss Boo is with us too, helping us spread the word that “chocolate understands”. Her logo is a chocolate heart, because, as she says, “we all have one”.